C2 Proficient English Pro: Writing, Editing, Translating
My Goal: Crafting Clarity, One Word at a Time.
Specialising in C2 Proficient English and Afrikaans Eerste Taal
As a skilled writer and editor with C2 level English proficiency [view my EFSET Credentials], I offer a wide range of language services, including translation, transcription, and content creation. With a passion for precision and a keen eye for detail, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality work that exceeds expectations.
As ‘n ervare skrywer en redakteur met C2 vlak Engelse bekwaamheid, bied ek ‘n wye reeks Afrikaanse en Engelse taaldienste aan, insluitend vertaling, transkripsie en inhoudskepping. Met ‘n passie vir akkuraatheid en ‘n skerpe oog vir detail, is ek toegewy aan die lewer van hoë-gehalte werk wat verwagtinge oortref.
Work History: Freelance Writer and Content Editor (2009-Present)
- Provided writing and editing services for various clients in industries such as marketing, academia, film, and legal.
- Successfully completed writing, editing, transcription and translation projects including blog posts, articles, website content, and academic papers.
- Worked as a content editor for a leading publishing houses and private clients.
- Reviewed and edited articles, books, and other publications for clarity, accuracy, and style.
- Collaborated with writers to improve the quality of content.
English and Afrikaans Language Services

Writing Services
- Blog posts
- Articles
- Website content
- Academic papers
- Business ebooks
- Copywriting

Editing Services
- Proofreading
- Copyediting
- Line editing

Translation & Transcription
- English to Afrikaans
- Afrikaans to English
- Audio, video, and text-based transcription
What My Clients Say

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A Small Sampling of the 150+ Books I’ve Worked On Since 2012

Let’s Work Together and See the Difference 15+ Years of Experience Can Make
When you trust me with your projects, you not only get to experience the benefits of native, bilingual Afrikaans and C2 Level English proficiency… You ALSO get the peace of mind of 15+ years without a single missed deadline.
Use the links below to hire me now.
- Upwork for once off or long term projects – Click Here
- Fiverr for quick, ad-hoc translation, transcription and editing projects – Click Here
- Request a Book Coaching Consultation.
- Request a FREE Quote on any of my services.
- View my stock photos at Pond5, AdobeStock, Dreamstime, or Shutterstock.
Thank you for visiting my profile page. I look forward to working with you!